Fighting over small things is a sign of an unhealthy relationship. you must understand this

Quarrels on small things are a sign of a bad relationship, you should understand this

When it comes to relationships, I often lose, it is only in the midst of highs and lows in my relationship. In the process of keeping this relationship strong and full of trust, it seems that somewhere I start thinking too much. Because it is very important to understand and respect each other in this relationship and I can handle my relationship with great difficulty.

It is not just a one-sided relationship, it is a bond that unites two souls and binds them in a relationship that I started dreaming of long ago. But maybe there seems to be some shortcoming in my relationship which starts separating us somewhere.

A relationship is such a belief in which there is a sweet and loving relationship between all these things like love, anger, nagging, and sulking.

Those who do not allow any rift to arise in their relationship with each other's respect and understand, that love sets an example for others. I believe there can be many grounds to keep the relationship strong, which keeps all the problems away in your loving world. Respecting each other, talking to each other, and understanding each other are the special things of a healthy relationship.

It has happened many times with me that in order to save the relationship, I ignore or tolerate such things which can save our relationship from ending.

I want to share my story with you my boyfriend wanted to know everything from me which means nothing should be hidden in our relationship. Well, this is what happens, but when it is a matter of trust and you do not get his trust, like when he started doing his will in my every work. Even How many friends do I have? How is friends Or my boyfriend used to decide who would be my friend? Despite all these things, I used to praise only him. Because I felt that he cares for me. But when I realized that I used to follow his instructions only.

And I knew to what extent I used to tolerate this thing. Which I had no right of my own, nor was he going to listen to my words. I had no feelings left, at that time I had become just like a doll dancing at his behest. After all, how long can I stay in this relationship? I had become like a corpse. This was the only thing that had ruined our relationship.

Here are some signs of an unhealthy relationship:

1. The way you talk to each other:

When you talk to your boyfriend, the foundation should be love, trust, honesty, and truth. But when the foundation of lies is seen in your words, then it destroys your relationship.

2. Lack of trust:

When your partner repeatedly breaks your trust or keeps you in the dark, your heart has to bear it. So it makes your relationship weak because trust makes your relationship unbreakable.

3. Lack of respect in the relationship:

In an unhealthy relationship, there is a lack of respect for each other's boundaries, thoughts, or feelings. No matter how deep you keep your relationship, until you respect each other or respect their words, your relationship does not become strong.

4. Trying to control each other:

Your relationship should be like a free bird. But this is where the relationship starts to weaken when trust starts rising from each other. And you start imposing restrictions on each other. It is said that in an unhealthy relationship, one partner starts controlling the other partner or asserting his rights, in which he forcefully starts persuading him again and again.

5. Lack of Supportive Nature:

When your partner does not support you in realizing your dreams and does not support you in achieving your goals, then this relationship is not right for you. Because in relationships one has to respect each other's feelings.

6. Fighting on small things:

When you have to clarify everything in your relationship and it takes the form of a fight, it makes your relationship weak. This spoils your emotions and mental state. In this way, you can become physically and mentally unwell. In a way, you may be a victim of abuse, in such a situation it is important to seek help and make your safety a priority.

These habits dissolve bitterness and poison in your relationships which makes your relationship unhealthy. And it is your duty to give each other respect and space in your relationship which indicates you to build a strong relationship.